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This dream could change me


For most of my adult life people have randomly asked me where I’m from. I’ve always answered Detroit. They’d give me a probing look and ask where I’m “really from”. So, I’d say I’m “really” from Detroit. That’s all I had. They’d make guesses as to where my ancestors may have been from. I’ve heard […] Read more…

Show + Tell?


In the last 5 years or so, I’ve become a natural and organic mama. Whether it’s food or body wash. I’m always looking for something that’s safer and healthier. It wasn’t until we had kids that I really gave it much thought. It was after the birth of our son that we started intentionally eating more […] Read more…

5 Rules To Break


You may not be guilty. It could just be me. I’ve been guilty of following so many rules. Sometimes too many rules. Don’t say this. Only say that. Make sure to try this. Never try that. It can be hard to navigate under so many “rules”. It could also be hard to remember them all. Why do […] Read more…

Live life to the fullest like THIS


Everywhere you turn someone is saying, “Live your dreams!” and “Live life to the fullest!” I am included in that number. I am always a supporter of living the dream, whatever that is. What does it mean though to live your dream or live life to the fullest? These are such big statements. The answer […] Read more…