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The Royal Takeover


I am BEYOND over it! I am so looking forward to tomorrow for a few reasons. First, it’s the weekend! Second, this annoying royal wedding will be over!!!! I could live my whole life without ever having to hear another thing about Kate Middleton and Prince Whatshisface. I know I’m kind of a Grinch about […] Read more…

What’s in a Name


Courage is a crazy thing. We have to pull it out of nowhere all the time. When you’re doing a presentation at work, when you have to dive into the river to save your pet – that my friends, is courage. In the prompt this week one of the options was to have the courage […] Read more…

40 Before 40 No. 4


Ahem, Do Re Mi… Just warming up for the next installment of my forty before forty list. In addition to my desire to perform on stage like a pro, I want to sound good doing it! To that end, before I hit the big 4-0h I’d like to take some singing lessons. I’ve been a […] Read more…

Pajama Jeans are the Devil!


I blame you! You know who you are. Who ever is out there rocking these “jeans” like they’re the hottest thing ever. I don’t know you by name but, that’s probably for the best. If I see the infomercial for pajama jeans one more time, I can’t be held accountable for my actions. I have […] Read more…

Blame the models?


Read the above t-shirt. Insert: outrage? Model Kate Moss is best known for her waif-like body. The other thing she’s known for is this statement “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. She said it years ago and outrage ensued. It’s a stupid statement that got even more attention because of peoples reaction to it. […] Read more…

Writer’s Workshop – You Oughta Know


I’m jumping in Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop again. I had a hard time choosing a prompt this week. I wanted to write at least three of them! Here are the prompts: 1.) Something students these days should know. 2.) If my Mom were a blogger… 3.) A phone call you won’t forget. 4.) A list […] Read more…