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If I had a little girl…


If I had a little girl… I’m guessing I wouldn’t let her wear this. It could be the way this little girl is posing but something in me screams “NO”. I’m sure she’s a sweet, adorable little girl. I’m sure someone told her to pose that way. Maybe she was just having fun and doing […] Read more…

It Can’t Last


I’ll admit it, my son has a way with the ladies. He’s nearly 17 months and he has ladies falling all over him where ever he goes. The kid has got “it”. He is also pretty picky when it comes to women. He has a special kind of lady that he likes. They have to […] Read more…

Keep It To Yourself


Since having my bambino, I have encountered more than my fair share of negativity. You know the kind when people ask about your baby and you respond with loving words about how your little one is the best thing ever. All normal and great. Then there’s the response. It usually starts with, “yeah, you say […] Read more…

Mama’s Pink Drama


This was intended to be a cute picture of a mother and her son and a sweet moment between them.  Well, apparently everyone doesn’t feel that way and it’s all because of his toes.  The creative director of J. Crew, Jenna Lyons, is dealing with a swell of controversy for this picture with her son […] Read more…

Hey You


Every now and then I sit down and think about my take on this life. I tend to think that it’s pretty good and only getting better. Then, I came across this question and it got me thinking. The question was what would I tell the younger version of me, knowing all I know now? […] Read more…

40 Before 40 No. 3


I don’t think I realized how close the big 4-oh was until I started compiling this list. Not sure how I feel about that. Anywho, the next thing on my list is jewelry. For years I’d drive by this building that offered jewelry making classes and said to myself that I was going to take […] Read more…

Christmas Came Early


I got a little gift in my inbox and thought I’d share with you. My new guilty pleasure Pregnant in Heels is back tonight! If you can’t wait for the craziness… no worries! I’ve got you covered with a sneak peek of tonight’s episode. From the looks of it… I am so there! Enjoy! Finding […] Read more…