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TGIF? Nope, I’ll Pass


Fin. I’m done with it. TGIF and I shall now part ways. Yep, we broke up. I am all aboard and hitching my wagon to that whole “ain’t life grand train”. I am all about not being this girl anymore. I don’t know that I’ve ever really hated Mondays. Yeah, it means the end of […] Read more…

Life is short. Be happy. #theend


There’s something about getting older and having huge responsibilities. It changed me. It changed my outlook on life. It changed the things I care about. I care less about some things and more about others. In the end, I think I’m happier for it. I don’t bother with trying to “make” people like me. Sometimes […] Read more…

Living the Dream?


I was sold. Hook line and sinker. I wanted it all. I wanted the house, the car, the husband, the kids, the career and all of the “things” that say I’m rocking this life thing. I got it all sewn up! There’s this idea that if you drive a certain car, wear particular clothes and […] Read more…

Selfish Mama: Am I Talking to You?


Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with a friend. She was telling me about something that she’d read. It was a post about motherhood. The author was talking about the need to be a selfish mother. At first, I balked. My thoughts went straight here: You can’t be selfish once you have […] Read more…