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self care

Who Do You Love?


Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It’s one of those days that gets people all riled up. There’s the group who talk about it being a over hyped made up holiday. Then there’s those who are absolutely loving the day and the chance to spoil people they love. I fall in the middle. I didn’t […] Read more…

What if we worked backwards?


What if you could work backwards. See into the future. Would you like to take a glimpse into your life in say 20 years? What will you be doing? How will you be living? Maybe you’ll be retired. The kids will have moved out. Then, what’s next? That’s usually the time people start to try and […] Read more…

Live life to the fullest like THIS


Everywhere you turn someone is saying, “Live your dreams!” and “Live life to the fullest!” I am included in that number. I am always a supporter of living the dream, whatever that is. What does it mean though to live your dream or live life to the fullest? These are such big statements. The answer […] Read more…

Loving the skin you’re in


Ever sit in front of the mirror and just look at you? Don’t freak out! It’s a great way to know when something changes. If you make a habit of just looking at you, you’ll begin to appreciate how amazing your body is and you’ll also notice if something changes because you’re checking it out […] Read more…