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I’m a former NBC writer/producer turned author, wellness blogger + self care advocate. Being a producer taught me a ton about being creative, resourceful + super optimistic. The biggest thing I learned though was how to create something out of thin air. Which is exactly what it can feel like to make room for self care. Through Love, Camesha I share real life experiences and doable tips to promote self love, self care and wellness.

Sharing All My Biz-ness


I saw this over at Made of Snails and decided I’d try it too. Since I am fairly new to the blogosphere I thought this was a good way for you all to get to know me a wee bit. Enjoy and feel free to share as well! The ABC’s Of Me: {a} Age: 30 […] Read more…

Writer’s Workshop – Inspiration


I’m inspired by… I’m inspired to do things I’ve put on the back burner for years because of this little face. I launched this blog because of him (obviously). I finally went into production for publishing my first book because of him. I am going after goals and following dreams because of him. When he […] Read more…

Doctor’s Orders


Parents of girls – get ready to have your ego stroked! A man by the name of Dr. Kanazawa has determined that if you have a girl it’s because you’re crazy attractive. His study, found in the Daily Mail, claims that attractive couples are more likely to have daughters. Let’s look for examples, shall we? […] Read more…

Where the Wild things Are


We rate everything. From video games to movies and TV shows. Apparently we need a rating for anywhere wildlife is present as well. It might help a tiny bit in certain situations…like this one. The hubby and I took our little man out yesterday for a day with the animals! Whoo hoo! We didn’t hit […] Read more…

Mama’s Long Night


So not too long ago I got together for a night out with a group of mommy friends. It was a night we were all clearly excited about. When we’d get together prior to our night out (for baby b-day parties and play dates) the night out was always a topic of discussion. So much […] Read more…