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I’m a former NBC writer/producer turned author, wellness blogger + self care advocate. Being a producer taught me a ton about being creative, resourceful + super optimistic. The biggest thing I learned though was how to create something out of thin air. Which is exactly what it can feel like to make room for self care. Through Love, Camesha I share real life experiences and doable tips to promote self love, self care and wellness.

Nip & Tuck?


The most interesting email made its way to my inbox. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’m signed up for a bunch of Groupon type sites. One of them sent me a deal for a “face tightening” service. Huh? What exactly would you be doing to my face? How do you tighten one’s […] Read more…

Creepy Much?


My son is officially a toddler. He’s 16 months! That time has passed way too fast. I have tried to hold on to all the milestones, moments and memories. I even have a lock of his hair from his first haircut. I’m guessing that once his little teeth start to fall out, I’ll keep those […] Read more…

Writer’s Workshop – 3 Wishes


via Yet again, Mama Kat has delivered some great writing prompts for her absolutely world famous writer’s workshop. 1.) Ask the psychic! You have an opportunity to get any question answered in regards to your future. What will you ask? 2.) April is national poetry month…Write a poem about hope. 3.) Something you do […] Read more…

Time Hates Me


Lately, me and time are far from friendly. We are not even on a first name basis anymore. I’m not declaring time an enemy. I need it. I am just saying that sometimes I feel like it’s betraying me. Cheating me. Just being sneaky. Not cool time, not cool. That being said, I think we […] Read more…



I was checking skimming though the boards at Café Mom and came across this note from another mom. My husband’s nephew says that girls at his school are trying to get pregnant to get on 16 and Pregnant This is what it’s come to, huh?  When I started noticing all the Teen Mom stuff I […] Read more…

Toddler Paparazzi


News flash! Apparently, we are not cool parents.  Shocking, I know. Well, at least I was shocked, a little. We went to our son’s school for a show. We had our camera in tow to capture all the cuteness for posterity. The show started and we all pull out our cameras. We looked around and […] Read more…

Horse Shoes – Literally!


Somebody call PETA! In the spirit of Fashion Friday….I present to you horse hooves boots! Come on, you know you want ’em! These lovely boots have been commissioned by betting company Betfair and are being sold for charity.  The horse hair is real, the hooves… not so much! I’m not sure what to say about […] Read more…