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Baby Talk


My son’s vocab is expanding by the minute! He’s go at least 20 words in his 1 year old lexicon. I’m going to just go ahead and say it. He’s just your average baby genius. His new favorites are his new take on dada. Now it’s spaced out like DAH-DAH at the top of his […] Read more…

Where Did You Go?


Is it a rite of passage? Is it a mark of pride? Are we just plain showing off? You know you’re a parent when your Facebook photo is no longer you but your baby’s cute button face. It happens to every parent I know. It starts with the profile pic changing to an ultrasound pic […] Read more…

Creepy Much?


My son is officially a toddler. He’s 16 months! That time has passed way too fast. I have tried to hold on to all the milestones, moments and memories. I even have a lock of his hair from his first haircut. I’m guessing that once his little teeth start to fall out, I’ll keep those […] Read more…



I was checking skimming though the boards at Café Mom and came across this note from another mom. My husband’s nephew says that girls at his school are trying to get pregnant to get on 16 and Pregnant This is what it’s come to, huh?  When I started noticing all the Teen Mom stuff I […] Read more…

Toddler Paparazzi


News flash! Apparently, we are not cool parents.  Shocking, I know. Well, at least I was shocked, a little. We went to our son’s school for a show. We had our camera in tow to capture all the cuteness for posterity. The show started and we all pull out our cameras. We looked around and […] Read more…

Where the Wild things Are


We rate everything. From video games to movies and TV shows. Apparently we need a rating for anywhere wildlife is present as well. It might help a tiny bit in certain situations…like this one. The hubby and I took our little man out yesterday for a day with the animals! Whoo hoo! We didn’t hit […] Read more…

Releasing the tape…


I’m doing it. I’m going all out. I wanna be a blogger on People’s baby blog. Yep, I want the big time! Two problems standing in my way. I don’t have what you would technically consider a baby. I mean, he’s almost 16 months. He’s still a baby to me. That’s gotta count for something, […] Read more…