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Selfish Mama: Am I Talking to You?


Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with a friend. She was telling me about something that she’d read. It was a post about motherhood. The author was talking about the need to be a selfish mother. At first, I balked. My thoughts went straight here: You can’t be selfish once you have […] Read more…

A labor of LOVE + I named her Get it, Mama!


What’s the biggest change that happens after becoming a mama? I don’t know that I could pick just one. There’s the whole thing with exhaustion. That’s real! I remember wondering if I would EVER get sleep again. With my first child, I remember feeling like people forgot about me. Everybody wanted to talk to me […] Read more…

Having it All! Are you a believer?


The president of a television network once told me “you can have it all, just not at the same time.” She’s a married, mother of two with this high-powered job. I could imagine the juggling act she was performing daily.  It got me to thinking: Balance. Is it a joke? As I have made the […] Read more…

Not Just Lip Service


Recently, I had an experience that I wanted to share with you. I am creating a whole business centered around inspiring mamas to find and follow our passions. I talk a lot about following your dreams even especially after your name changes to mama. So, I just wanted to share a little something to let […] Read more…

Overwhelm? Totally Conquered!


Overwhelm. I was totally feeling the pressure recently at my son’s end of year school picnic. I started thinking about all that had to be done. I thought of all the things that could throw the plan off. I was totally talking myself into a “worst case scenario” situation. I knew I needed to make […] Read more…

It’s All in How You See it…


**I have to thank you ALL for last week’s post! I shared and you gave it right back. It is a pleasure getting to know you! That has to be my favorite post so far! On to today’s post! 🙂 ** Since the passing of Dr. Maya Angelou, her quotes have been posted everywhere. From […] Read more…

I Almost Said No


I almost said no. It was Mother’s Day weekend. It started off easy enough. There were brunch reservations. Mimosas were had. Then my husband asked me what else I wanted to do. I was sleepy. I wanted to stay home and take a much needed nap. Instead, I opted to let him surprise me. He […] Read more…