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bibs & baubles

40 Before 40 No. 1


I said before how my son has inspired me to go after dreams. We’ll here’s the latest “inspired by baby”. Last week, I told you that I would be starting a list of 40 things I want to do before I turn 40. I didn’t know how hard it would be to actually compile that […] Read more…

Baby Talk


My son’s vocab is expanding by the minute! He’s go at least 20 words in his 1 year old lexicon. I’m going to just go ahead and say it. He’s just your average baby genius. His new favorites are his new take on dada. Now it’s spaced out like DAH-DAH at the top of his […] Read more…

No Trespassing


Dear Athleta,  I’m not sure what to say here. I think you’re cool. I like what you have to offer. The work out gear seems top notch and all. It’s just that right now, we’re in different places in life. You’re all “work out, it’s cool” and I’m all “when? I don’t have time”. This […] Read more…

40 Before 40


What are your goals? Not bucket list type goals but, more immediate. I ask because I’ve been seeing a lot of lists on the web. On blogs everywhere, people often list the things they want to accomplish by a certain age. The one I’ve seen the most is the 30 before 30. Yeah, that ship […] Read more…

Shoe & Tell


I came across these shoes and couldn’t help but be floored. Where on earth do these come from? How are you supposed to wear them? These Lego shoes are not to be messed with! Can you imagine rocking these on your next play date! HA! On the other hand,  I can’t imagine how you’re supposed […] Read more…

Husbands Intuition?


This picture doesn’t make any sense. Neither does the following. At least in my head. My husband and I were at our favorite store (read: we’re there way too much) Target. We were in the baby section getting stuff for your know who. A lady walks up and, somehow a conversation began between she and […] Read more…

Don’t Shoot the Messenger?


Super blogger Perez Hilton has been pretty busy lately. Aside from launching other sites he’s apparently written a book as well. He’s no stranger to the book world. His last two books did well. This new book has an entirely different audience. This one is a children’s book. I have to say I was a […] Read more…

She’ll Cut You


Have you ever been to a salon and thought “man, this place is a hot, hairy mess”? You next thought being that they could really use the help of the crazy talking, key snatching, cut you with her words, sparing no feelings Tabatha on Bravo’s  Tabatha’s Salon Takeover.  Maybe that’s never happened, but it could. […] Read more…