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Rookie Parenting


As parents, there are some things that are a given: Don’t let your kids touch the stove. Don’t let your kids eat the dogs food. Don’t let the baby miss a nap. These are all pretty common knowledge. Well, we’ve had to add a new one to our list. This weekend we made a rookie […] Read more…

The Baby Ban


“We feel that [our restaurant] is not a place for young children,” the owner, Mike Vuick, said to customers in an e-mail. “Their volume can’t be controlled and many, many times, they have disturbed other customers.” – from These are the words of the owner of McDain restaurant in Pennsylvania. He has apparently had […] Read more…

R.I.P Caylee


I’ve said nothing. I avoided the topic completely. I turned my head or the channel whenever it came on TV. The Casey Anthony trial is impossible to avoid now. I don’t know if I wanted to pretend it didn’t exist. I don’t think that’s it. I think I just knew that I couldn’t handle knowing […] Read more…

Tots on the pole


If your daughter decides to hit the pole at 18, you’d probably question yourself. Where did you go wrong? Why did she make that choice? At the end of the day though, it would have been her choice as a consenting adult. Sucky choice, but her choice. The same can’t be said when it’s a […] Read more…

Falling into the Gap


Kids are so lucky… really, they are. Think about it. Someone  cleans your bottom, makes sure you are fed and A-list designers make a special line of affordable clothing just for you. One of my favorite designer’s, Diane von Furstenberg is coming to Gap Kids with a collection for the wee ones. I am a […] Read more…

I’m Learning…


Motherhood continues to teach me many lessons. This past weekend provided a few. Our weekend was action-packed to say the least. Pull up a chair, lean in close… I’ve got some things to share with you. Whether you have kids, want kids or just like kids… you’ll appreciate this. Our weekend itinerary looked something like […] Read more…

Suri’s Shoes


I don’t care what you say… most some celebrities are NOT like us! I could give you a million reasons why. I’ll start here with this one. Suri Cruise. Her parents are superstars who may have even come from humble beginnings but it seems their little girl won’t be following in their humble footsteps. It […] Read more…

About the Birds & Bees


Get ready to sit down with a sippy cup and have “the talk” with your kids. Yep, that “talk”. OK, maybe not right now but, there’s a book out that says you should be having that talk with little Johnny by age 5! You read right, FIVE. Does that seem crazy early or is it […] Read more…