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Carmageddon is upon us


It’s about to get ugly in the city of L.A. Starting tonight, the city’s largest freeway is shutting down! I-405 is going down for some changes and we Angelenos aren’t taking it lightly. It will be closed ALL weekend long and re-opening on Monday. Cue the drama! This event has been labeled Carmageddon! This is […] Read more…

R.I.P Caylee


I’ve said nothing. I avoided the topic completely. I turned my head or the channel whenever it came on TV. The Casey Anthony trial is impossible to avoid now. I don’t know if I wanted to pretend it didn’t exist. I don’t think that’s it. I think I just knew that I couldn’t handle knowing […] Read more…

It’s Come to this…


It’s come to this. We are taking a break from restaurants. We don’t want to but, we might have to. The issue, folks – we’ve got a screamer! The little guy is a fan of testing his vocal abilities. I’m all for it. It’s great for him to discover the wonders of his voice! We […] Read more…

Breakin the Law


4.) We’re too old to be getting in trouble…aren’t we? Write about a time you were scolded…as an adult. I usually don’t have a problem with the law. Usually. I am a law-abiding citizen and dread getting in “trouble” with the authorities. Well, it happened. The peeps with the power decided to take out some […] Read more…



To be clear, this week was screwed before it began. There have been so many things that should have told me this week would be “one of those weeks”. Let’s start with how last week ended. Our company has implemented “Summer Fridays”. Many of us will be taking every other Friday off for the rest […] Read more…

Run For It!!


Here’s something you should know about me, I am an only child. While I didn’t have siblings to grow up with, I did have cousins. There were four of us. Three girls and one boy. The boy being the oldest. We would have so much fun together. The girls stuck together. The boy wanted very […] Read more…

Breastfeeding Doll


Would you buy your daughter a breastfeeding doll? Yes? No? Maybe? Well, in case you’re interested, there’s a new doll on the market causing DRAMA. Some view the doll as completely inappropriate. While others seem to think it’s no different than buying your daughter a doll that sucks a bottle. I see their point… a […] Read more…

Blame the models?


Read the above t-shirt. Insert: outrage? Model Kate Moss is best known for her waif-like body. The other thing she’s known for is this statement “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. She said it years ago and outrage ensued. It’s a stupid statement that got even more attention because of peoples reaction to it. […] Read more…

Keep It To Yourself


Since having my bambino, I have encountered more than my fair share of negativity. You know the kind when people ask about your baby and you respond with loving words about how your little one is the best thing ever. All normal and great. Then there’s the response. It usually starts with, “yeah, you say […] Read more…