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Some Shady Stuff


My curiosity got the best of me. I just had to know what was out there. I wanted to know what people were doing with my name! So, I set up a Google alert. I get an alert whenever there’s activity with my name attached to it. If I’m mentioned anywhere on the web, I […] Read more…

Dear Stranger…


Dear Random Stranger, Back away from my child! Right now! I’m not sure why you think it’s appropriate to touch him. I am also not sure why you think it’s not appropriate for him to tell you “no”. He’s a person and he doesn’t know you. Why would he let a stranger touch him? Do […] Read more…

Almost Toddlers & Tiaras


*This was written as part of Mama Kat’s writer’s workshop. Have you ever been jilted or just plain mistreated? Yeah, I know, we’ve all been there. The one time that I’m thinking about today happened when I was in high school. I think I was no more than a sophomore when a friend asked me […] Read more…

Love & Fashion


In the last few years I’ve been watching what Tory Burch has to offer. Everyone in the office seemed to be addicted to her popular flats for awhile. My conclusion: me likey the Tory Burch brand. It’s so clean and classic. She doesn’t go for the beat-you-over-the-head, over-the-top dramatics. I can appreciate at that. Her […] Read more…

Court – L.A. Style


Just last week I had to report for jury duty. Yep, fun times – try to contain yourself. I thought I was home free. I called to check in everyday and was told not to report. Then on Wednesday night, I called and was told to show up for “The Duty”. I don’t so much […] Read more…

Rookie Parenting


As parents, there are some things that are a given: Don’t let your kids touch the stove. Don’t let your kids eat the dogs food. Don’t let the baby miss a nap. These are all pretty common knowledge. Well, we’ve had to add a new one to our list. This weekend we made a rookie […] Read more…

Feed the Baby!


It’s a common topic among mommy peeps. The baby weight! I think that’s the most common thing I hear about when people talk about pregnancy and being a mommy. People want their pre-baby body back. I admit, I am one of them. I thankfully lost all the extra weight I had gained but I think […] Read more…

Harmony Valley Foods Review


When I saw the opportunity to review Harmony Valley Vegetarian Mixes I thought,  perfect timing. My son is not a big fan of meat at all and we’re always struggling to find a protein substitute he’ll eat. One can only serve so much peanut butter, beans and cheese. We also toy with the idea of […] Read more…

The Baby Ban


“We feel that [our restaurant] is not a place for young children,” the owner, Mike Vuick, said to customers in an e-mail. “Their volume can’t be controlled and many, many times, they have disturbed other customers.” – from These are the words of the owner of McDain restaurant in Pennsylvania. He has apparently had […] Read more…