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A Mother’s Wisdom


My mom has always really loved kids. She’s known for nurturing other people’s children when there’s a need. I once had a best friend in middle school who lived with us for a while because he household was abusive. She lived right around the corner but her parents were just fine with her staying with […] Read more…

When I Knew…


When I dropped him off at day care and felt like I’d left my heart behind. When I handed him over to a teacher at day care so she could get to know him. He looked at me with concerned eyes and I wanted to take him and run. When I stare at him while […] Read more…

It Can’t Last


I’ll admit it, my son has a way with the ladies. He’s nearly 17 months and he has ladies falling all over him where ever he goes. The kid has got “it”. He is also pretty picky when it comes to women. He has a special kind of lady that he likes. They have to […] Read more…

Keep It To Yourself


Since having my bambino, I have encountered more than my fair share of negativity. You know the kind when people ask about your baby and you respond with loving words about how your little one is the best thing ever. All normal and great. Then there’s the response. It usually starts with, “yeah, you say […] Read more…

Hey You


Every now and then I sit down and think about my take on this life. I tend to think that it’s pretty good and only getting better. Then, I came across this question and it got me thinking. The question was what would I tell the younger version of me, knowing all I know now? […] Read more…

Christmas Came Early


I got a little gift in my inbox and thought I’d share with you. My new guilty pleasure Pregnant in Heels is back tonight! If you can’t wait for the craziness… no worries! I’ve got you covered with a sneak peek of tonight’s episode. From the looks of it… I am so there! Enjoy! Finding […] Read more…

Where’s The Love?


Every since we brought the baby home our first born has been feeling a little left out. Like she’s been put on the back burner. When I was pregnant everyone told me that things would change and that I wouldn’t think twice about “that dog”. Their words, not mine. I strongly doubted my love changing […] Read more…

Make Me Over


Apparently, becoming parents begins to take its toll on you after a while. I’m talking in the form of missed sleep, hair appointments and no longer shopping for yourself because of your new-found obsession with baby gear. Then there’s the ugly break-up between you and the gym. What can parent peeps do to get it […] Read more…

This Isn’t Working


I really thought things would work out. I had great expectations. Those expectations die a little everyday. I just knew my son and my “(dog)daughter” would be the best of friends. I had all these grand ideas of her being his first best friend. So far, it ain’t happening. Don’t get me wrong, he absolutely […] Read more…