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Stop Saying This?


Recently, I was reading an article on the Huffington Post. It was about seven things that you need to stop saying once you’re over 30. Here are some of the words listed in the article. Totes, amazeballs, cray or cray-cray and adorbs. I have to admit, I used to hear these around the office at […] Read more…

In Good Company


There is something to be said for having a minute to yourself, to just be. I don’t get too many of those  minutes these days so when I do I really appreciate them. As much as I love my non-existent me time, I also appreciate some good company. This weekend I took the liberty of […] Read more…

Ask Me Away


In this blogging world you “meet” some very cool people. From all we share on our blog, you can begin to feel like you know people pretty well. Then, of course, there’s always more to learn! When I saw this link up for :Ask Away Friday” on Tamara’s blog, I just had to join in! […] Read more…

WW: Better follow the rules


My husband and I were going through some pictures the other night from a trip we had taken to Mexico a few years ago. When we cam across this picture we cracked up. Clearly there’s something missing here… I think this qualifies for Wordless Wednesday! Happy Hump Day, y’all! What’s happening with your Wednesday? Read more…