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Month: September 2011

“Move it” Monday


There are some things I try to avoid.  Or maybe I should say some people. One of those people is Britney. You know, “it’s Britney bi*** Spears”. Yeah, I try to avoid that chick and her music.  The problem is, it can grow on you…like a fungus. Well, I have an announcement to make. There’s […] Read more…

For Real, Snooki?


Apparently, I’ve been living under a rock. I wasn’t aware that the newest mogul in the making is none other than Snooki. You know, of Jersey Shore fame. While I haven’t been looking, the Snooks has been building an empire of sorts. What does her empire consist of, you ask? Well, I’m pleased to inform […] Read more…

Fashionably Speaking…


“I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern – wearing head-to-toe designer has become a bit passe. It’s a new era in fashion – there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.” ~Alexander McQueen Read more…

Rookie Parenting


As parents, there are some things that are a given: Don’t let your kids touch the stove. Don’t let your kids eat the dogs food. Don’t let the baby miss a nap. These are all pretty common knowledge. Well, we’ve had to add a new one to our list. This weekend we made a rookie […] Read more…

Writing my heart out…


When I started this blog, it was basically an outlet to talk about the changes I experience in the awesome role of mother. Another reason for Bibs & Baubles was for me to have more opportunities to exercise my writing muscle. Yes, I write for a living but that’s different. It have to write things […] Read more…

Get Hooked!


Fall is coming and I’m looking forward to it. As much as I love summer and its flowy dresses and flirty sandals I’m looking forward to fall’s fashion. I guess it’s the midwest girl in me.  I’ve always like the fashion of fall best. One thing I’ll be rocking this fall is this cute little […] Read more…

Hi, My Name Is…


Hi, my name is mostly Cam or Cammie. I have been blogging here at Bibs & Baubles for close to a year now. In all of that time, I don’t know that I’ve really introduced myself to you. I thought today would be as good a day as any to tell you some things about […] Read more…