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Taking Chances


Dreams have been a popular topic in the land of Bibs & Baubles. I think you all know by now I’m a big fan of goals, finding your passion and following your dreams. Sometimes, it’s in the smallest ways that we make that happen. I recently set out to check a goal off of my […] Read more…

Drum Roll, Please


There is something about babies that brings out the giddy in people. People get so excited when they see a baby bump. There is something about new life that can bring a smile to the face of even the meanest Grinch. People that have never spoken to me before, stop me now to chit chat […] Read more…

When Cooties Attack


To say I have been M.I.A. would be an understatement. I have been laying real low for several days for good reason. Everyone in my office has been sick. It was only a matter of time before I went down too. I caught a cold that turned into some sort of head/pressure/sinus/cooties attack. Yeah, it […] Read more…