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Missing Out?


I was sitting in a conference room at work for a meeting. I glanced out of the window. There were a few moms out back pushing their kids in the swings. I should mention there’s a playground connected to our building. Moms and nannies from the surrounding neighborhood come to hang out with their kids […] Read more…

Just the Pics, Please


Flowers chosen by my two year old. His dad approved. This face just made my day – all day! Cherishing the moment… My last Mother’s Day as a Mom of one. Gifts made at school for mom. Adding them to my collection of keepsakes! What a wonderful day! How was your weekend/Mother’s Day? Read more…

Mama Said…


Mother’s Day is almost here and I’ve been seeing stuff everywhere with people talking abut their moms. I have been thinking about what I’d like to say about my mom for the last week or so. There’s so much I could say, but it’d be too long to read. I decided to focus on one […] Read more…

Dem Da Rules


Becoming a mother has changed so many things about me. Some were expected: 1 – I don’t have much time for TV – sorry peeps, I know NOTHING of Game of Thrones 2– I don’t remember the last time I saw a movie. Wait, yes I do. It was Sex and the City 2. Don’t […] Read more…

Fashionably Speaking…


“If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies…. It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.” ~Albert Einstein **The Winner of the UPrinting giveaway is Jenny, Modern Modest Beauty! Congrats. I’ll […] Read more…