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Year: 2014

I Partied with the Elf


Every year, my Facebook timeline is flooded with a small Elf in interesting situations. So many people I know have fallen in love with the Elf on the Shelf. The Elf’s story is that he’s one of Santa’s helpers and he watches your kids in the days leading up to Christmas to make sure they’re […] Read more…

Selfish Mama: Am I Talking to You?


Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with a friend. She was telling me about something that she’d read. It was a post about motherhood. The author was talking about the need to be a selfish mother. At first, I balked. My thoughts went straight here: You can’t be selfish once you have […] Read more…

A labor of LOVE + I named her Get it, Mama!


What’s the biggest change that happens after becoming a mama? I don’t know that I could pick just one. There’s the whole thing with exhaustion. That’s real! I remember wondering if I would EVER get sleep again. With my first child, I remember feeling like people forgot about me. Everybody wanted to talk to me […] Read more…

Saving Art with Schoola


Some things have to happen, some things don’t. My kids grow like weeds and I have to buy them new clothes and shoes faster  than they can wear out their old stuff. Getting them new stuff, has to happen. The first cut many schools make when the budget gets tight : the arts. That shouldn’t […] Read more…

Three Ways to Beat the Blahs


I was going to ask you if you ever get a case of the blahs. Then I though about it. Who doesn’t get a case of the blahs every now and then? As a matter of fact, if you’ve figured out a way to avoid them, let me know! I have been feeling a little […] Read more…