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writer’s workshop

Never Ever


I’m 35 and I’ve done a lot of things, but there are so many things I haven’t done. Here are 22 of them. I’ve never: Skinny dipped Been to Italy via Been on a safari Been camping Been to a tanning salon Liked the Sound of Music via Been short for my age […] Read more…

Behind the Picture


Some things are better when you aren’t even aware of them. That’s the case with my Facebook profile picture. It’s a picture from my wedding day. It’s probably one of my favorite pictures of me. That’s odd, since my face can’t be seen in the picture. I think I like it most because I had […] Read more…

Ghost of Halloween Past


Halloween used to be a big deal when I was growing up. In the beginning, my cousins and I would get the standard costumes that came with the plastic face mask. You know the ones where your hot breath would be trapped and you’d end up inhaling steam? Wait, you didn’t have those? Oh, well […] Read more…

Lessons Learned… So Far


Motherhood is a classroom and my teacher is about three feet tall and overflowing with lessons. I never knew I’d love so much or learn so much from someone who has seen so little. I couldn’t have imagined the ways my son has changed me. Here are a few things I’ve learned from my little […] Read more…

Blogging 101


Bibs & Baubles isn’t my first foray into the blogging world. My first blog was Style Soup. I love fashion and beauty and this blog was all about that world. I loved it. I was totally committed to it.  I was a blogging fool – all for an audience of about three. In this blogging […] Read more…

Take me away(40 before 40 No. 7)


The writing prompt I chose this week for Mama Kat’s workshop is: 4.) A country you would like to visit. Let me start by saying I’m obsessed with HGTV’s House Hunters International. Anytime I get the chance to watch TV my husband assumes that’s what I’m watching. Yes, HHI trumps any other guilty TV pleasure […] Read more…

Breakin the Law


4.) We’re too old to be getting in trouble…aren’t we? Write about a time you were scolded…as an adult. I usually don’t have a problem with the law. Usually. I am a law-abiding citizen and dread getting in “trouble” with the authorities. Well, it happened. The peeps with the power decided to take out some […] Read more…