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What I Learned From My First 5K


Last week, I talked about my efforts to get in more steps. Thanks to my Fitbit, I’m well aware that I’m getting far fewer steps in than I used to. Can I still blame the pandemic? That was when the slowdown really happened. We were all sitting on our butts WAY more than usual. Even […] Read more…

Allow me to Re-Introduce Myself


I’ve been blogging since 2011. It seems like it might be a good time to re-introduce myself. I can’t even believe that I’ve been online that long. My original blog was started after I became a Mom. It was called Bibs and Baubles. I was seeking to connect with other Moms because most of my […] Read more…

5 Ways to Make those Habits STICK


There are some goals I’ve been setting around here. That’s nothing new. I’m the queen of having a goal. I always feel the need to have something to work toward. One of my goals is working on staying committed to my fitness. I have fallen off in a big way since having kids. Getting back […] Read more…