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I’m a former NBC writer/producer turned author, wellness blogger + self care advocate. Being a producer taught me a ton about being creative, resourceful + super optimistic. The biggest thing I learned though was how to create something out of thin air. Which is exactly what it can feel like to make room for self care. Through Love, Camesha I share real life experiences and doable tips to promote self love, self care and wellness.

When You Say Labor…


Labor Day means many things to many people. It was initially to celebrate the accomplishments of the American worker. Who, I ask you, works harder than moms? *cricket, cricket* Ok, maybe some dads really work it out too. 🙂  Even still, the Labor Pains are all ours! So this Labor Day,  I just want to […] Read more…

Feed the Baby!


It’s a common topic among mommy peeps. The baby weight! I think that’s the most common thing I hear about when people talk about pregnancy and being a mommy. People want their pre-baby body back. I admit, I am one of them. I thankfully lost all the extra weight I had gained but I think […] Read more…

Blog on Fire!


I got an award y’all! For a girl who doesn’t win anything, this is a big deal! Thank you to Gina from Mommy Posh for this award. Check out her posh corner of the bloggy world.  I’d also like to thank the Academy of Mommy Bloggers Incorporated for their consideration. I’d like to thank, my […] Read more…

40 Before 40 No. 9


I have never claimed to be the best cook. I’ve set off a few smoke alarms in my day. The whole point of cooking for me, is to eat. I really only cook because I know we have to eat. I don’t really enjoy cooking. I wish I did though. I can watch the Cooking […] Read more…

Beyonce + Baby


Last night,  I watched the VMA’s on MTV. I LOVE award shows and always look forward to the performances. One performer, I always look forward to is Beyonce. She kills it every time in a way that just seems effortless. A couple of months ago, she did a performance overseas and she wasn’t dancing nearly […] Read more…

Little Things


The other night I was a bit of a frazzled mess. I was cooking dinner for my family as usual and just felt exhausted. As I was cooking, I started thinking about how crazy our weeks are. After working all day I rush home to get dinner started and have about 20 minutes to get […] Read more…

Harmony Valley Foods Review


When I saw the opportunity to review Harmony Valley Vegetarian Mixes I thought,  perfect timing. My son is not a big fan of meat at all and we’re always struggling to find a protein substitute he’ll eat. One can only serve so much peanut butter, beans and cheese. We also toy with the idea of […] Read more…

Down the Aisle


Hindsight being what it is, there are a few things I would have changed about my wedding.  Overall though, it was a pretty perfect day. So much so, that I can’t choose just one picture to share for the Down the Aisle link up hosted by Mommy of a Monster. I guess it’s easier for […] Read more…