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Year: 2012

Feed Me!!!!


Dinner time continues to be a challenge for me. I had gotten pretty good at meal planning for a while. Now that we’re a family of four and I’m back at work, it’s become clear that I’m going to have some issues with dinner time… again. By the time we all get home, I either […] Read more…

The Weekend Routine


My weekends have become pretty predictable. Well, at least a little. Our weekends revolve around our son’s social calendar. Every weekend he’s got a birthday party to go to. Usually, my husband is his partner in party crime. I’m always running behind trying to get myself and the little princess ready so we don’t make […] Read more…

Annnd I’m Back


So, my time is up. Maternity leave is officially over and yesterday I made my return to work. I kissed my little princess as much as possible and told her how much her mommy loves her. She just looked me in the eyes and laughed and smiled. I know she’s fine in the hands of […] Read more…

Can’t Ignore the Storm


So, I couldn’t let this week come to a close without a few words about the Superstorm, Sandy. We’d all heard about the storm over and over again and anticipated how bad it would be. I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t expect things to be as bad as they are. I have friends […] Read more…



So, you might have noticed that I stepped out of the matrix. There has been so much going on in our little family that my brain has been blank. Just overwhelmed, I guess. There has been loss and new beginnings and we’ve made it through. My blogging mojo got lost in all the realness of […] Read more…

Falling In


I’m finally beginning to fall into fall fashion. My timing couldn’t be worse as its nearly 100 degrees here in Los Angeles! Oh well, when it does cool down, here are some things I want to be rocking. I have been looking for a leopard print patent leather kitten heel shoe. I haven’t found one […] Read more…