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Year: 2011

Mama Must-Have


All winter I have been on the lookout for my latest must-have – over the knee boots. I go back and forth on this one. I can’t help but to always think in Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I don’t want to do the whole hooker-chic look. I’m going more for haute mama. I’m feeling […] Read more…

Baby Drama


I have been trying to avoid all of the drama surrounding Halle Berry right now. Unfortunately keeping up with it is part of the job. She and her baby’s father Gabriel Aubry seemingly overnight went from cordial co-parenting to custody in chaos. How the heck did they get here? If you listen to media it […] Read more…

Eye of the Tiger – Mom


I’m sure by now you’ve heard all about the Tiger Mom controversy.  If not, no worries, I’ll get you up to speed. Yale professor Amy Chua just released a book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. In it she talks about her harsh, no-nonsense tactics for raising her two daughters.  Chua maintains that her […] Read more…

Working Mommy Woes?


Did you know the COO of Facebook is a woman? Yeah, me either. Well, her name is Sheryl Sandberg and she recently made some interesting observations about women in the workplace while making a speech. As a mother of two, she certainly has insight on the matter. She acknowledged that the choices women face regarding […] Read more…

Welcome to the Parent ‘Hood


Everything changes when you have a baby… even your email! I have an old email account that I rarely check. It hasn’t really been a priority since I got married. I used it mainly to organize all of the wedding emails with vendors and such. I also used it to subscribe to some super cool […] Read more…

Kick the Bucket…List


Up until the movie I had no idea what a “bucket list” was. Certainly, I didn’t have one. Recently I was reading something and came across the term and decided to try to make my own bucket list. A little deep thought was required. There are so many things I want to do. Thing is, […] Read more…