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What’s In A Name?


This week I’m linking up with Mama Kat for her Writer’s Workshop. The prompt I chose this week is: What did you want your name to be? Growing up, I never had really given my name much thought. I’ve always been cool with my name and never heard another that I thought would work better […] Read more…

Baby Steps


It’s been slow going around here but we’re finally getting into the swing of things. I think it’s really starting to hit home that this baby is coming whether we’re ready or not. I had been kind of laid back about it all. I started clearing out the room and that she and her brother […] Read more…

Get Ready!


Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! That’s how I am feeling right now. I’m six months along with baby number two and looking forward to meeting my little girl. All of my excitement is mixed with worry though. I’m worried about how my first born, my son, is going to react to all of the newness in […] Read more…

Well Now I’m Scared


I’ll admit that I’ve been indulging myself during this pregnancy. Seriously, what the baby wants, the baby gets. So far, she really likes sweets. Donuts, ice cream and cookies are at the top of her list. She doesn’t mind a little banana bread either. I’m trying to be the boss of her. Really, I am. […] Read more…

Drum Roll, Please


There is something about babies that brings out the giddy in people. People get so excited when they see a baby bump. There is something about new life that can bring a smile to the face of even the meanest Grinch. People that have never spoken to me before, stop me now to chit chat […] Read more…

Monday Mingle : Bump Style


Strange as it seems, I like eating ice cream and cookies at ten o’clock at night. All of a sudden, I really just want a glass of milk and I don’t even like milk. My sense of smell has really picked up too. It’s other-worldly at this point. It seems I have a little visitor […] Read more…

How Many is Too Many?


The Duggar family is one for the ages. I’m sure you’ve heard of them by now but if you haven’t allow me to introduce them. They are the family featured on the TLC show 19 and counting. This husband and wife duo, Jim Bob and Michelle, are the parents of 19 yes NINETEEN children. They […] Read more…