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Thankful for… You!


I have been blogging since about 2008. I used to do it just to write. I never promoted a post or expected anyone to leave a comment. Then, I launched this blog. I entered into this blog with a different mindset. I wanted to interact with others. I wanted to be a part of a […] Read more…

Quarter Life


*This post is the third in a series the the others are here and here. All told, I was in Ohio for eight years and I felt it was time to leave. I had worked in television news for a while and I wanted to move into entertainment television. I wanted the fun side of […] Read more…

InspiHer BlogHer


It was the first time I have been away from my son since his arrival 20 months ago – so I had high expectations from Blogher 11. When it comes to my thoughts on the mega-conference – I have two words for you: Flash Mob! If there was any doubt that BlogHer was going to […] Read more…

“Move it” Monday


It’s Monday and I need a little something to get my day going and get my week started on a good note. Since Bibs & Baubles represents the many sides of me – it makes sense that my love of music would work it’s way in here. I’ve loved this song for a long time. […] Read more…

The Big O


Today many people are leaving one item on their bucket list unfulfilled. They will never be in the audience of the Oprah Winfrey Show. Many have their issues with her… I am not one of them. Today marks the final day of the iconic Oprah Winfrey Show. I say iconic because, like it or lump […] Read more…