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Beano, We Have a Winner!! #beano


Last month, I had been chosen by Beano  to show off my cooking skills.. ahem.  That’s right, I had to get down in the kitchen! The challenge was to come up with a recipe, using natural ingredients that are known to cause gas. That was no small task. When you cook something that you know […] Read more…



Time: 11:41 am Place: Home Eating: Nothing, but I’m hungry Drinking: Nada, but I’m thirsty Watching: Press conference with the President Reading: Lots of blogs Wanting: Sushi!           via Thinking: I have a long list of things to do. I need to get off my butt and get started. Creating: Blog […] Read more…

My Cake Day!!


***This post was written on my birthday… 9.29.13 Today is my birthday. It doesn’t feel any different. I don’t feel any different. I know I’m older. I’m hoping I’m a little wiser too. I think I might be. After the whole hoopla surrounding my job, I hopped on a plane and went home. I headed […] Read more…

I Came, I Cooked – You Vote #Beano


Recently I participated in the Beano virtual cook off.  What’s the Beano virtual cook off, you ask? Well, I was asked to create a recipe with foods known to cause gas. There are lots of them! It can be a little dangerous to make a dinner full of foods known to cause a stink. LOL! […] Read more…