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I’m a former NBC writer/producer turned author, wellness blogger + self care advocate. Being a producer taught me a ton about being creative, resourceful + super optimistic. The biggest thing I learned though was how to create something out of thin air. Which is exactly what it can feel like to make room for self care. Through Love, Camesha I share real life experiences and doable tips to promote self love, self care and wellness.

Thanksgiving… Giving Thanks


When it comes to Thanksgiving many things come to mind. First on my list is spending time with my family and giving thanks! The crisp, fall weather. And of course, the food!   I am beyond thankful for my life and all that it entails. On this day, I just really want to focus on […] Read more…

Thankful for… You!


I have been blogging since about 2008. I used to do it just to write. I never promoted a post or expected anyone to leave a comment. Then, I launched this blog. I entered into this blog with a different mindset. I wanted to interact with others. I wanted to be a part of a […] Read more…

Dear Stranger…


Dear Random Stranger, Back away from my child! Right now! I’m not sure why you think it’s appropriate to touch him. I am also not sure why you think it’s not appropriate for him to tell you “no”. He’s a person and he doesn’t know you. Why would he let a stranger touch him? Do […] Read more…

Big Day!


Today is a big day for me… two years ago this morning I gave birth to an absolute blessing. Yes, today is my son’s birthday. I can’t believe he’s already two! We are spending the day with him to celebrate his big day. There will be pictures to come! The other big news of the […] Read more…

Stranger Danger


This post was originally published on Beautiful Brown Girls My friend and I had this discussion not too long ago… She was telling me about her gym and how awesome it is. She thought I’d really like it and should check it out. I wasn’t sure I could join because I’d have to go after […] Read more…

My First…


*This post was written as part of Mama Kat’s workshop. I chose the prompt: Write a love letter to an inanimate object. This is a letter to my very first teddy bear… Hey there, my little friend. We’ve come a long way.  I’ve known you my whole life. I can’t believe we’re still together. I […] Read more…