I think I might have a five head. You know when your forehead is too big to be called a forehead? I first heard this term when someone used it when talking about the beauty that is Tyra Banks. Anyway, I looked at a couple pictures of myself and realized I might have one too.

I made some discoveries about myself the put this idea of inner beauty to the test.

I can’t say that I was sad about it or really felt anything other than amused. I did wonder if it had always been that way. It seems like a new development. How is that even possible? Can I just blame getting older? I’ve noticed some other things, beauty – wise that seem to be creeping up on me with age.

Things change

Standing in front of the mirror recently to wash my hands, I noticed a line on the side of my mouth. I kept moving my face to see if I could change it. I thought, “Oh I must have slept on my face weird.” I was convinced that line would go away. It did, a little. That’s when I realized I have laugh lines! I was like, “Oh, this is what all those commercials were talking about when I was growing up!”

Why am I telling you all this? There’s so much emphasis placed on what we look like that it can distract from the real stuff. The important stuff. If we live long enough, we’re all going to change. Grey hair here, laugh lines there… It’s all a part of the process and it’s a gift. There’s beauty in it.

The real magic happens when we appreciate the beauty that’s on the outside but make sure what’s inside matches up. As Whitney Houston says in one of my favorite movies, Waiting to Exhale, “if you ugly inside, you’re ugly outside!” Ha! That outer beauty is pretty temporary. We’d better spend more time on making sure the inside is gorgeous!


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