A few years ago I was curious about a book I kept hearing about – The Miracle Morning. So many people were talking about how it changed the game for them. I was intrigued because I remembered how I used to get up to head to the gym for an hour before going into the office. That was, I guess, my version of a Miracle Morning. It was definitely a miracle that I was getting up that early! I remember that having a morning routine started my day off on the right foot. So, I gave The Miracle Morning a go.

You know what's been a self care game changer for me? I remixed my morning routine. I'm sharing how a small change is giving me amazing results!

I started my morning with prayer, a gratitude journal and exercise. It was so good y’all! The sad part is I only kept it up for a few months though. Why? As my life has changed, my morning routine has taken on a whole new look. It’s looked more like me rushing out the door to get the kids to school in the mornings instead of the calm of prayer and gratitude. I had been moving my workouts to the end of the day. That wasn’t working out though. After mommy-ing and working from home, I was exhausted at night and ready for some sleep instead of exercise. For most of the year though, I’ve been super consistent with exercise, no matter how tired.

Morning Routine Remix

Still, I had to do something. I wanted my calm back. Going back to reworking my mornings seemed like the best thing. I know that once my kids are up, it’s off to the races. My day doesn’t slow down again until they are in the bed. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to give my mornings a makeover. I started by waking up 20 minutes earlier. I’d go straight to my workout. Immediately, I started to feel a difference. After sticking with the new wake up time for a few weeks, I was ready to push it even more. Instead of just 20 minutes earlier, I’m now getting up an hour earlier than I used to.

You know what's been a self care game changer for me? I remixed my morning routine. I'm sharing how a small change is giving me amazing results!

Game. Changed. Getting up before the rest of my family is awesome! There’s something to be said about the calm. Yes that word again – calm! It’s really quiet and I’m able to focus. I’m exercising and planning the day. It’s self care. I love that I’ve taken time for me before I give to everyone else. It’s the whole idea of not being able to pour from an empty cup. The morning is when I fill my cup. From there, the rest of the day is better. I’m more focused, productive and present. I have the energy to do more. With a to do list that seems to be non-ending, I’ll take all the energy I can get.

What time do you get up? What do your mornings look like? Have you found a routine that works for you?


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