Every now and then I have to tell my kids to sit down and just be still. They are really good at going from one thing to the next without taking a beat in between. It’s watch this show, do this thing on the computer, play this video game and then pick up the tablet and find something to do on there. I can certainly blame the pandemic for part of it. Being at home so much without interacting with many other people has left some gaps in our social life and created some bad habits. The thing is, it’s not just them. I go from one book to the next, from my phone to my computer and I have to take time to just be. The whole leading by example thing? Yeah, that needs a little work these days.

Being busy for the sake of being busy is not productive, it’s just doing stuff. That’s one habit that needs to kick rocks. Keep reading for some other habits that you need to shake. Let me know if any of them hit home for you.

Strive for continuous improvement instead of perfection.

– Kim Collins

I used to be convinced that I was all about perfectionism. I thought I was just being really analytical and striving for the best. What I realized is I was just a professional procrastinator. Telling myself that I was aiming for perfect was just an excuse. It was something I could say that I thought made me sound like I was really doing something. The truth is, it’s a cover up for the real issue – procrastination. The goal should always be progress. Perfection doesn’t even exist so it’s not even something to strive for.

Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here.

– Mark Twain

When I sit down to work – whether it’s personal or professional I’ve noticed a trend. When I just go for it without a list of some sort, I feel like I’ve achieved nothing at the end of the day. It’s like I’m just bouncing around from the thing to thing without making a dent in anything. The big difference for me is having a few goals. I have to create a to do list or it’s just pointless. I do a brain dump of the things I need to get done and go from there. Going goal free – don’t do it. I’ve learned the hard way you need something to work toward. I’m all for flowing with life but having some general ideas about where you’d like to flow to is a good idea.

One day or day one. You decide.


If we’ve learned nothing over the past year, we have to know the value of each day. It’s so important to stop saying one day because who knows if that day is coming. Being intentional about the life you want is the goal. Doing something everyday toward your goals is so necessary. Being present for yourself and those you love helps to make the most of the gift of this life.

People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely

Hans F. Hanson

While it can be fun and empowering to let yourself dream and chase your goals, there’s something you have to remember. Who you surround yourself with can make all the difference. Don’t have a circle full of “Donnie Downers”. They will convince you that your ideas are too lofty. They’ll make you think you need to be more realistic and come back down to Earth. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of dream crushers. If there was ever a time to keep those squares out of your circle, this is it.

Comparison is an act of violence against the self.

Iyanla Vanzant

Instagram has made us all aware of the lives of other people. It can absolutely make you think that you’re doing it wrong. We’ve all heard by now that social media is just the highlight reel of someone’s life. That doesn’t always stop the comparisons. Here’s something to remember. You don’t want anyone else’s life but your own. You don’t know what it cost them to get the life you think they have. Comparisonitis will have you missing the opportunities in front of you because you’re too busy looking elsewhere. Our journeys are as unique as our fingerprint. That’s your superpower – there’s literally no one like you.

You can.


One of the things I try to do for my kids is remind them what they are capable of. There are times when they have a challenge and convince themselves that getting past it is impossible. Dropping the word can’t leaves room for all kinds of possibilities. There’s power in replacing can’t with, I wonder. What if? Let’s try.


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