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The new year is around the corner and I am too excited. I have a bunch of things I want to accomplish in 2012. I wrote before about 2012 being the year of “Just Do It”. I’m taking that motto very seriously. There are some things I HAVE to see happen in the new year. Here are a few:

  • I will finally publish my book. I wrote a book of poetry some time ago. It has been in the process of being published for a while now. It will be making its debut in 2012. It has to! I have put so much work into this thing. I’m looking forward to holding a copy of my work in my hands!
  • I will grow this space. I want to take this blog to another level. I’ve had so much fun with it. It’s also been a lot of work! Somehow, it’s work I don’t mind doing. 🙂
  • I will get back to me in terms of fashion. I have successfully stayed away from mom jeans but I have still fallen into a mom uniform as of late. I don’t put as much time into my get-ups as I used too. I also find that I have been lacking on some new things. I have shipments in the mail as I type to change that!
  • I will stay away from rocking my famous ponytail so much. It’s a part of the mom uniform that I need to release. I promise, it seems my hair is in a ponytail on a daily! It’s just way too easy. I will do better about actually letting my mane flow. Maybe, I’ll even find a new hairstyle in 2012. As lame as it sounds, that would be a big deal!!! My idea of a haircut for the last 10 years, at least, has been getting bangs. It does change up my look a lot but maybe, I’ll go in a different direction.
  • I am also going to get more into photography. I have a beautiful DSLR camera that the hubs got for my birthday this year and I’m not doing it justice. I am taking a class in the new year to get up to speed on how to really get the most out of it. Who knows, maybe I’m a photographer in the making?
  • Freelance writing has long been on my list of things to do. I’ll be making that happen in 2012. I used to write for a newspaper years ago and would love to get back into that space. Not so much with a newspaper but a publication other than my own! 😉

More to come… but, that’s enough for now. What are you looking forward to getting done in the new year?


15 Comments on The New Year Plan

  1. I love my ponytail *crying* My goal for the New Year are very few just simple things that I am sure I can carry out with no problems.
    kita recently posted…Checking InMy Profile

  2. I’m do glad I can’t do a ponytail anymore!!!
    And YES! Pick up that camera! What class are you taking?

    • Yes, I need to retire the ponytail!!! I’m taking a class at Samy’s Camera. Hopefully, I’ll learn something!

  3. Like you, I hope to ditch my mom uniform and ponytail hairdo in 2012. A lot of people find it hard to believe that I was a fashion major in college but it’s time to reclaim my style. I’m also going to be more active about hitting up the gym and getting back into shape. I have a bridesmaid dress that I will need to be ready for in October.
    YUMMommy recently posted…I Got That FireMy Profile

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