There are some things you can’t fully understand until you’ve gone through it. Pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood are on that list. I’d like to add one more… bed rest.

You’d think that I was at Club Med being pampered (I wish). Half of the time, that’s the feeling I get when people hear that I’m on bed rest. They really do think it’s a vacation of sorts. Others know that this it total lameville and send up prayers! I’m officially calling it house arrest.

When I was first informed of my new reality, I kinda wanted July (when baby girl is due)  to come right away. Yes, that was the first time in recent memory that I wanted to speed my life up. I’m usually a “take time and smell the roses” type of girl. I like to take life one day at a time to make sure I don’t miss a thing. These days, I’m just looking forward to July! I want my baby girl to make it to full term as quickly as possible so I don’t stress so much about how she’s doing in there. I want to meet her. I want to see who she looks like. I want to kiss her little cheeks and forehead and just stare at her. I’m looking forward to all of that.

Right now, I seem to be filled with stress. Counting down the days. Thanking the Lord every morning that we’re one day closer to full term. Worrying if any and everything I’m doing is pushing her arrival closer and closer. I don’t want to rush her at all. I want her to come when she’s supposed to and I want my body to cooperate and keep her snug and safe as long as possible. With so many worries on my mind, I can’t help but wonder if my worries are stressing her too. All of this seems to come with the bed rest territory.

Yes, these days I’m looking for a way to speed up time. Speed up and get my baby where she  needs to be, as healthy as she can be, and eventually in our arms.

Just needed to get that out, I guess…


20 Comments on What’s the Opposite of a Good Time?

  1. Oh yuck! I have never been on bedrest, but that is one way to get me to crazy and fast. I can’t sit still, having to do that 24/7! Oh girl, you have my sympathy. Honestly you can only read so many books and watch so much Jerry Springer. I’ll keep you and baby girl in my prayers, and hang tight, July is not too far away.
    Cari recently posted…I Support @JennyMcCarthy: Enter Blog SuicideMy Profile

  2. Man, I know bed rest sucks, you can’t do anything. But we’re here to listen to you and we’ll be counting down for you as well. We all want that baby girl to be healthy and full term.
    KalleyC recently posted…20 Weeks and CountingMy Profile

  3. Cam, I feel for ya! I hate being confined to the house and “taking it easy” – its just not my style. One thing: when I was pregnant I just kept thinking about what kind of attitude I wanted my little guy to have once he was out here with all of us. Did I want him worried, frantic, anxious or happy, calm and loving? Then I acted out those feeling that were to be desired in a child – being calm, being happy, letting go of the stress. Maybe that’s crazy but I really think that “sending good vibes” to the little one while they’re still in your tummy is a great start to who they’ll be. Just try to enjoy your time with that little one all to yourself – read, sing, tell her you love her. Life will be back to its crazy all over the place state soon enough, love this time for what it is, even though that is easier said than done. You’re almost there!
    Kim @ The Family Practice recently posted…The Sparrow – and why you should read itMy Profile

    • thanks! you are so right. really have to put things in perspective sometimes. i have been trying to remain stress free as much as i can for the sake of this little bean in my tummy. you hit it on the head – her disposition is directly related to mine. have to keep that top of mind. 🙂

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