Last year, I spent two months on bed rest before my daughter was born. After trips to the hospital for a false alarm or two, I headed to the hospital prepared to be sent home again. Instead, I was preparing to have my daughter. Here we are, one year later and I can’t believe time has gone by so fast.

photo(21)Her birthday was on Saturday and we kept it low key with a trip to the beach.


photo(23)We saved most of the fun for her party on Sunday! We had booked an indoor playground for her party. She had a great time!

photo(22)Her brother had such a good time, he burst into tears when he found out it was time to go. I’d say that’s a good party!

I can’t believe my babies aren’t really babies anymore. They are growing up WAY too fast for me.

I think this is why people keep having babies, huh?



20 Comments on And Then She Turned One…

  1. Nahhh that’s why I don’t want anymore because they grow fast they are babies one moment and talking the next if they stayed babies forever then I would have more lol. Cutie pie hope she had a great 1st birthday.

  2. Man! 1. It seems like you were just going back to work and she was 3 months!! Man oh man!

  3. Yup, I think that’s why people keep doing it! My little turned one nearly a month ago. Yikes! He’s still a baby to me, though. I think with my daughter, she became a toddler at 18 months. I just tell myself this so that I still have a baby for six months!
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