How come there’s only one of me?

This is the question my son asked me, one day, out of the blue. I wasn’t prepared for this one. It was totally unexpected. We talked about it and it is pretty obvious my little man wants a brother. He calls his toy Mufasa, from the Lion King, his brother.

He assured me he liked having a sister but wanted a brother. He thought that would be “cool”.

I have thought about having a third baby – briefly. Mostly, when I realize that my babies are growing so fast! Or when I see a newborn and remember that my babies used to be that small. Then I’m slapped back to reality. I remember that newborns are A LOT of work. I remember that my nearly nine month old daughter STILL isn’t sleeping through the night. I remember how much we pay for child care and I can’t imagine the tuition payment for a third child.

Yes, I think we are good with just two children. We’ll just have to make sure we hang out with our friends with boys more often!

Has your child asked you something that caught you way off guard?


13 Comments on One More Baby?

  1. Yep but nothing like that mines don’t want anymore babies in this house especially my son. We asked him and he said nope no more I am good…..We have one of each I don’t have any plans for anymore in my house besides the hubs says if I get pregnant again he is leaving me and although he is joking 10% of me believes he will check out lol.
    Kita recently posted…Friday QuickiesMy Profile

  2. Too cute! Madison always asks for a baby brother. We tell her you have a brother and a sister – older of course – and she says no but I want a baby brother. I guess the two she has aren’t good enough! lol Umm nope, we’re not having anymore.
    Aracely recently posted…Easter Mini Fashion – GirlsMy Profile

  3. I ask myself this question almost daily. I just don’t know. I have the same struggles you do. Lately I am leaning towards no. 🙁

  4. I really thought I wanted another one a few months ago but I am done. I don’t want to start over. I want to raise these two that I have and I am looking forward to them being older in a few years so I can really spend some time with my husband.
    Mimi recently posted…What I WoreMy Profile

  5. That’s so funny how he phrased it. I don’t blame you for stopping at two kids. Granted, we’ve just started but there have been times during this pregnancy where I’ve told Joel that he better like this kid a whole lot because it might be the only one he gets. Pregnancy is hard, and we haven’t even done the newborn thing yet! Eep!
    Abigail recently posted…OverdueMy Profile

  6. That is adorable. I can wait for conversations with my little man. Noah is almost 11 months. Although we have mastered going to sleep on his own…sleeping through the night isn’t quite there yet. You are not alone.
    Teems recently posted…10 Months Strong and 1 Day Weak.My Profile

  7. Oh, I am so here on this one. I want another so badly I can damn near feel it moving inside me. But. I don’t think it’s meant to be and I’m trying to reconcile my mind and heart to get on the same page.

    And yes, my kids have asked me things out of the blue. The three year old asked why it hurts to sit down when there’s a toy in your underwear.
    Arnebya recently posted…AddendumMy Profile

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