Everybody is talking about Miley Cyrus and her performance at the VMA’s. It’s almost too much chatter going on about it. I watched it and I wasn’t appalled, disgusted or outraged. What I felt was embarrassed. I was embarrassed for her. It seemed as if she was a girl in high school trying to show everyone that she’s cool – like, “I really wanna hang with the cool kids” cool. I just wanted tell her to have a seat.


The thing is, this is nothing new. Over and over again this happens and this time it was just a little more raunchy than others. Here’s what I’ve noticed over the years though. When it comes to child stars, they go HARD! They are so hell bent on proving that they are not the cute kid anymore that they tend to go overboard. They start being overly sexual, they start cussing, they start smoking or drinking. It’s like that’s the only way they know to shed the kiddie, goodie image and prove they’re grown. Need proof? See any number of lists out there of child stars gone bad. I’ll wait.

This whole thing isn’t limited to child stars either. Their craziness is just put on full display. I think about some of the girls I knew in college who just let loose. The whole idea of being “grown” and freedom from parents just kicked in and some people went buck wild!

The newsflash is that being grown is about SO much more than going off the rails and over the top. Strutting around nearly naked, coming thisclose to being a porn star or Playboy pin-up and drinking or smoking until you pass out doesn’t make you grown. All that does is make you seem like an attention seeker.

Being grown is about more than the number of years you’ve been in this world. Being a grown up, a real adult is a combination of age, maturity and security. Insecurity will have you thinking your body is all you have to offer. Insecurity will have you thinking that whatever talent or gift you have isn’t enough unless coupled with overt sexual behavior. A grown woman can be sexy without losing your respect. She can get your attention with more than her body. There’s no need for a grown woman who is secure in herself and what she has to offer to twerk her way onto your radar.

The good thing for some of the girls I knew in college is that the whole world wasn’t watching when they went through their wild phase. They are able to have families, careers and a normal life. Sure, they may get a few comments at homecoming but for the most part, they’ve probably grown past that time in their lives.

At the end of the day, this isn’t the first time a child star has gone wild and it won’t be the last. I just hope she’s able to reign it in sooner rather than later. I also hope people let her.


13 Comments on Miley Cyrus – Nothing New

  1. I don’t understand why child stars have to go sooo overboard you know? Ok she’s trying to distance herself from the Hannah Montana days. But dude that was WAY TOO MUCH! She needs to respect that Hannah Montana image made her MILLIONS. Yes she’s going into an adulthood but there are definitely better ways to show it. She wanted to get attention and she got it, but not sure if it’s good for her career or for her to be taken seriously.
    Natalie recently posted…Friendships of the PastMy Profile

  2. I too felt embarrassed for her! Maybe she feels if she doesn’t do something to get noticed she’ll become irrelevant. I guess there’s a lot of competition in her age group. She was an awful mess at the VMAs.
    Aracely recently posted…Grey Denim TrendMy Profile

  3. I agree with you! I watched the VMAs and was so surprised with the backlash. I was like, was I watching the same thing? She was cavorting around like Madonna or Lady Gaga or Britney Spears back in the day. No surprise to me!

  4. I didn’t see her performance, and I’m glad I missed it. Your right about child stars that just want to prove they are grown–they do go hard. I hope that this phase in her life passes. Soon.

  5. Would you believe I still haven’t seen it? Been on a bit of a vacation without TV and I’ve been ignoring it on Facebook. I think my opinion probably falls somewhere in the middle of everybody’s.

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