Everywhere you turn someone is saying, “Live your dreams!” and “Live life to the fullest!” I am included in that number. I am always a supporter of living the dream, whatever that is. What does it mean though to live your dream or live life to the fullest? These are such big statements. The answer is as different as the person answering the question.

For me, living my dream and living life to the fullest includes being present for my family and opening myself up to new experiences and doing something with all of these ideas the take up residence inside my head. That’s what it looks like for me though.

This week, I heard something that kind of outlines what living life to the fullest looks like. I’m pretty sure I’m late on the podcast train but I’m here now. My most recent podcast loves are all the TED talks.I feel like I need to take notes as I listen. There really are such thoughtful, inspiring stories out there.

The last one I listened to had some really good things to chew on. The man speaking is Ricardo Semler. He’s the CEO of a corporation with some pretty radical ideas. You can listen to the talk in full HERE.Be led by your dreams B

Here are some things that stood out for me:

If you have to give back, you’ve taken too much.

POW! Be giving all the time. He talked about how his finance guy told him that he could be 4x wealthier if he wouldn’t give so much. He prefers to constantly give to things he feels strongly about.

Live now.

He talked about how many people in his family had passed from skin cancer. He said he didn’t want to wait for a diagnosis to begin living. He talked about how people get a diagnosis like that and then proceed to do all the things they’d always wanted to do in life. He decided to take two days every week out of his work week and do things NOW. For him, this didn’t mean doing crazy extravagant things. It was more like, if you’ve always wanted to play piano, take those two days and play piano. While we can’t all do that, it is a nudge to find some time in our days to do something small that brings us joy.

Be radical.

As CEO, it may seem that it’s easy for him to set his life up so that he’s out for two days of every work week. Right? Well, he also gave this two days out option to his employees. He talked about how when we have the most money, we have the least amount of time. When we have time, we have less money and worse health. Finding time to do simple things that bring us joy while we can enjoy them only makes sense.

I think this is a pretty good recipe for a great life. What does “living life the to the fullest” mean to you?


55 Comments on Live life to the fullest like THIS

  1. I am kind of lame for the most part, but every now and then I try to step outside my comfort zone and do something crazy!

  2. what a great post. For me it is spending time with my family and friends. I also like to try new things when the opportunity comes up.

  3. This is a great post! I’m also always saying to live life to the fullest. Its funny to actually stop and re-evaluate what that means from time to time! 🙂

  4. This is a great recipe for a great life. I always live each day to the fullest.

  5. Two days would be a bit much for me to work with. I definitely believe in carving time for relaxation, fun, enjoyment, and helping others. I try to take at least 2 hours a day to visit with family or friends, read a book, and make the day meaningful. What a great reminder to live life to the fullest according to one’s own ambitions.
    Ora Lee Gurr recently posted…Traveling Tuesdays – St Patrick’s Day ParadesMy Profile

  6. I am not really sure what living life to the fullest means to me other than making the most out of each day I’m given. I love learning new things and I’m not intimidated by trying new things. I feel like I always need to learn something new to keep my brain from shrinking in old age :).
    Terri Ramsey Beavers recently posted…Spring Fever = Air DetoxMy Profile

  7. Never take each day for granted. I try to be the most positive throughout my busy daily schedule.

  8. Great post! I remember that quote from when I was a kid my idol, Nick Carter said “live life to the fullest for the future is scarce!” so I’ve always tried to do that and make the most out of each and every day. Nothing more you can do but enjoy

  9. Right now, living life to the fullest would probably involve spending a lot less time on tech. With a full-time computer-based job, a blog, and an online business, I think I have way too much screen time. I need more LIFE!!! 🙂

  10. Living life to the fullest has meant a lot of things to me over the years. Right now it just means soaking up any and all time I can get with my kids (it gets harder when they’re grown and on their own). 🙂

  11. I really love this advice. I have recently been thining more anb more about living my life now. This already is the rest of my life. No reason to put off the things I’ve always wanted.

  12. What a great post!!! I’m all about living in the moment and taking chances!!! Just wish my hubby was the same way hehe

  13. I’m all about taking chances on some things. I’m outspoken, yet I’m so shy. So I’m working on ditching that last piece of me so that I can live fully. My husband not so much, but I’m working on him.
    Val Pierre recently posted…PLAY LIKE HASBRO EVENTMy Profile

  14. Sounds like a great podcast and absolutely so true, I wish I could take 2 days out but then since I work 9-5 monday to friday one can claim I already have those 2 days out I just need to start using them wisely

  15. I’m a dreamer, but also pretty rational if that can happen! For example, I wanted to stay home with the kids, so despite our budget, I made it happen (that was more prayer than dreams). At the same time, I will not step outside of my comfort zone and make any leaps. My husband, on the other hand, will jump at opportunity quickly.
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  16. Now that the weather is getting better we will have more time outdoors and I can’t wait. My kids will love more quality time in the sunshine

  17. I agree that you just have to live in the moment no matter your financial situation. It would be nice if free time and money did go hand in hand during life on occasion though!

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