Motherhood continues to teach me many lessons. This past weekend provided a few. Our weekend was action-packed to say the least. Pull up a chair, lean in close… I’ve got some things to share with you. Whether you have kids, want kids or just like kids… you’ll appreciate this.

Our weekend itinerary looked something like this. Sesame Street Live: Elmo’s Healthy Heroes on Friday, Date Night/Babysitting Party on Saturday and Whale Watching on Sunday. It all sounded good on paper and for the most part – it was. My son LOVES Elmo! He’s loved Elmo since he got the stuffed toy for his 1st birthday. For the longest he called him Mo-Mo. 🙂 I don’t know what it is about the bright red, bug eyed creature that gets kids going. Nobody goes crazy like that over Cookie Monster. I’m just saying. When I was a kid (in my old, wise woman voice) it was all about Big Bird. I guess the giant yellow bird had his day in the sun and these days it’s all about Elmo. I digress. I had been looking forward to this show for months! The kid had never really seen Elmo do anything. I totally expected him lose his baby marbles. I was right! He stood for a good part of the show mesmerized by his hero. It was so cute. He screamed ELMO over and over again, waiting for his big red friend to answer. It was adorable! The lesson for me here: It’s totally worth my baby staying up past his bedtime for this kind of moment.

Elmo is my hero!
Sesame Street rocks!

The busy weekend continued on Saturday. Saturday night was the babysitting party at our son’s school. They have this party every few months, we usually pass because we like spending as much time as possible with our little guy. This time we opted in. We had only had one date since our son was born 18 months ago. So, we decided that we probably needed a date. The babysitting party is fun. They have activities for the kids and they serve them dinner and put them down for the night. It was a little odd dropping him off at school on a weekend. We looked at each other and said, “I guess we’re going on a date.” We went to dinner and actually had a totally adult conversation over (gasp) a glass of wine. It was pretty cool. We didn’t have to rush through to get the little guy to bed. We got to take our time and enjoy a leisurely dinner. Imagine that. In true parent fashion, we ended the date at Target getting milk for the baby! Lesson learned here: Even when you don’t think you need it – time alone with my man, away from the baby is necessary and good!

Sunday I was all excited to use a Living Social deal I had for Whale Watching. I just knew this would be a great family adventure! It expires this week, so we absolutely HAD to use it over the weekend. After church we headed out. The baby had eaten lunch and we headed into nap time. Our trip was going to take over an hour so a nap was perfect! He didn’t get his full 2.5 hour nap so I was slightly worried that he’d be cranky on the 2 hour boat ride. I was right! He was kinda over it half way through. He was clearly sleepy. Uh oh. We made the best of it and read books and offered snacks to keep him happy. Then, I got sick. Yes, I forgot that I have a tendency to get sea sick. In an effort to stick together, my husband and our son hung out with the ailing mama and TOTALLY missed any sighting of a whale. Great! Once I pulled myself together we did manage to see a bunch of sea lions and pelicans.

hanging on to dad

taking it all in...

Not exactly the WHALES we were aiming to see on our WHALE watching trip but, what are you gonna do? I really wanted to exchange email addresses with a few of the passengers and have them send me their whale pics so we wouldn’t completely miss the experience. That could have seemed weird though… kinda, maybe.  Lesson here: Take the boy whale watching when he’s about 7 and can enjoy it, babies need ALL of their sleep – period. Mommy needs Dramamine before she gets NEAR water.


23 Comments on I’m Learning…

  1. sounds like an action packed weekend! It is fun sometimes to let them stay up late for an Elmo show. Sorry you got sick on the boat! Not fun. 🙁

  2. Looks like a great weekend! If it was me though, I wouldn’t set foot on that boat. I get sea sick too! hahaha

    (thnx for stopping by my blog earlier too, btw)


  3. After having taken our son to see Mickey this weekend I totally agree with lesson learned #1! I also think lesson #2 is invaluable!!

  4. Hahaha…poor mama! Your son’s adorable and what a great weekend he had with all those activities. Thanks for the life lessons – they’ll come in handy.

  5. thanks for popping by! Interesting weekend! I remember my child’s first show, it was Barney. Like yours, she stood, gaping in awe of her favourite Barney. 🙂
    Whale watching I like too. Been on a few and totally love it!

  6. Awww I love the pic of the whole family…you guys are adorable! Wow you did have a big weekend…at least most of it went right 🙂

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