Last week, I took a walk with my newborn daughter. She was sleepy and super fussy, so we headed outside to walk and get some air. I didn’t even bother to get the stroller. I just held her, in my arms, close to my chest and walked.

As we walked, I told her all about the life my husband and I intend to give her and her big brother. I gave details about where we’d live, what we’d do, things they’d be exposed to.

As we walked our neighborhood, I let her know that she is loved and wanted and beautiful. I told her that her mommy and daddy would do whatever we needed to do to protect her and her brother and give them the life they deserve.

She was no longer fussy. Instead she was calm. She snuggled really close to me and slept. When we got back to our house, I whispered I love you in her ear. I’d like to think that she received those things that I spoke into her life. I’d like to think that God received those things I spoke into the universe. It’s only through Him that these things will come true. I just need to do my part to make it happen for my family…for my babies


14 Comments on I Speak Life

  1. Speak it. I find that most things I speak about normally comes true in some form or fashion maybe not how I want it but nonetheless I still get what I need.

  2. You do speak life! And love. Yes, she heard you and that will make her feel loved and safe in her life. What an extraordinary Mama you ate, thanks for sharing that tender moment with your daughter:)
    Cari recently posted…My Once Upon A Time…And CoffeeMy Profile

  3. This is so beautiful…I am a huge proponent of speaking life into being because God listens!!

  4. Oh, this is such a beautiful post. I think it’s so important to talk to our children. Even if they can’t understand all the words, they do, I think, understand.

  5. Speak it! Start telling her early that she is loved and beautiful and smart! I swear it makes a difference!

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