Here we go again. It’s a new year. Week one is in the books and everybody starts off with the best of intentions. How many of us started off the year with a resolution? I didn’t make a list of resolutions. I went the Kanye West route and decided to “be great”. I figured that covered all aspects of my life and what I’d like to accomplish.

Most people, even if they don’t make resolutions, set a goal or make some promises for changes in the new year. We do it every year. The thing is, if we don’t follow that up with a plan of action, those goals and promises are just words.

via Rotten ecards

I don’t know about you but since becoming a mom I have been even more determined when it comes to things I want to accomplish. I’ve heard from people about what they can’t do because they are a mom and I was determined not to become that person. I am convinced that my dreams don’t have to stop because I have children. My dreams have changed for sure and some of them have taken longer to accomplish but they are STILL possible.

So, in an effort to be more than words I’ve taken it a step further and started taking action. I’m linked up with my sister from another mister, Amber to talk out all of our plans and goals and keep each other accountable. The plan is to meet on a regular basis to chart our course.

It feels good to talk out my goals and have new perspective and things that maybe I haven’t thought about that could take my dreams to the next level. It feels good to provide that same encouragement and support for someone else. Of course the challenge will be to keep it going beyond the first few months of 2013.

Have you taken steps for a plan of action to keep yourself on track and motivated?


14 Comments on I Said it, Now What?

  1. I have a working list of things I want to accomplish this year! So much do that I have broken it down into months. But I’m determined this year to be GREAT!

  2. I think most parents give up their dreams because there is no time to accomplish everything with kids, running a home, and working full time not enough time in the day…that’s why I love weekends. That’s the only time you don’t feel rushed and can work on you.
    Kita recently posted…Conversation with the hubsMy Profile

  3. Goal buddies can only HELP the process! You will surely meet all of your goals and beyond, you have got the focus and the drive!! I think people get sidetracked after January and February, the key is to stay focused and keep your eye on the prize always!
    Nellie recently posted…Identity Theft: Someone STOLE MY MONEY!My Profile

  4. If nothing else, the attainment of my dreams/goals is enhanced by my having children! I want them to see what it’s like to get something you want, to be recognized, to be fulfilled, to work toward something and achieve it, and then pat your DAMN SELF on the back. My kids may make it harder time-wise, but even that’s a cop-out. Take harder and turn it into “I need to be more creative with my time.” I like the idea of having an equally accountable person, someone to lift you up. But, um, most of my friends are just as lazy as me, so we’d be at the bar by week 3 talkin’ about Girl remember we were gonna do things way back when 2013 started?
    Arnebya recently posted…Just OneMy Profile

  5. There are tons of things I would like to do too and I won’t let motherhood stand in my way. The only difference is the priorities does change as does the timeline. But, like everyone, I have started working towards some of the things I will like to do this year.
    Kalleyc recently posted…Whole Wheat Pancakes RecipeMy Profile

  6. I have an accountabilibuddy too! We are meeting monthly to discuss the the progress we’ve made with are goals. I also plan to surround myself with other who are entrepreneurs so that I’m always keeping my mind on my hustle.

    Happy New Year!
    Windy City Mama recently posted…Style File: the $5 Target skirtMy Profile

  7. That’s so awesome…being accountable to someone or something is such a great motivator. Here’s to achieving all your dreams!!

  8. Love this! I’ve decided I need to make this my year of action too. I’ve had too many big plans that only live in my head. It’s time to get real!

    I’m trying to hold myself accountable by posting my goals on my blog. I’ve decided to set a different goal for myself each month. This month: organization. I feel like once I get my mess in control, my mind will be free for the projects I want to tackle.

    So far so good! I’ve tackled at least one organization project every day!

    Good luck! Love your line about going the Kanye route. lol.
    Jen @ Cuddles and Chaos recently posted…Geek Chic FashionMy Profile

  9. I find that first of the year goal-setting is just a great way to stay on track of things I already knew I wanted to accomplish. Seeing that list is a constant reminder that instead of watching TV I could be taking small steps towards one of my dreams. As the year progresses, some things might move more to the forefront and others fall to the back but that’s all part of the process. And at the end of the year, I can re-evaluate anything that didn’t get done and see how I can revamp that goal for the next year. It’s a system of constant evolution for me, moreso than arbitrary resolutions that lose meaning after a few weeks.
    Kim recently posted…Style Resolutions for the New Year {2013}My Profile

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