Everybody has been talking about back to school. I’ve seen photos of parents celebrating. I’ve read posts of parents not being ready for the beginning of a new school year. My situation is a little different. My kids aren’t in “school”. My son is in pre-school but it’s a part of daycare. My daughter is in the same daycare. While they haven’t been out for summer, they are getting ready for the start of a new school year in their own way. My daughter is moving on to the 1 year old class and her brother is moving into his new class as well. He’s inching closer and closer to kindergarten. I.AM.NOT.READY. Sigh…

Well, just because they are not in traditional school, doesn’t mean that my babies don’t need new school clothes! We were invited to Media Day at Children’s Place and got some goodies to get the kiddies super cute for school. We found all kinds of cute stuff. There are lots of bright colors for the girls and lots of layers for the boys.2009416_2O-milk-22




Had to get this shirt. My little man loves the T-Rex!2006972_529-medindigo-18

Let me just say, my kids aren’t always fully supportive of this blogging life. They don’t care that I want to take their pictures showing off their new clothes.

model bibsbaubles

Nope they’d rather play with the neighbors cat who just happened to be out during our photo shoot.

Look at that bibsbaubles

run bibsbaubles

They also, sometimes prefer to not look at the camera. Can’t. Be. Bothered. Yeah, this was going real well.

serious bibsbaubles

Then as we’re walking back to our house, I get a glimpse of them just being them. I get my daughter inspecting a flower. I catch my son showing me how he saw a worm wiggle on the sidewalk. I remember that it’s this that I was looking for. Just them being… them.

charmer bibsbaubles

haha bibsbaubles

These are my babies in their Cali cool, back to school looks. These are my babies being my babies. How are you adjusting to back to school?

Disclaimer: I was not paid for this post. I was given a gift card to shop for back to school trends. All opinions and children are my own. šŸ™‚


13 Comments on Going Back to School #PlaceFALL

  1. Girl, they are too cute. Find me a kid who likes to take pictures and I will swear they are being bribed with sugar. I, too, can’t get my child to take one for anything.
    Sunny recently posted…Winner!My Profile

  2. Hi Cam! This is my first time stopping by your blog and I love it! So ironic I was thinking how I need to go back to Children’s Place to get my son some more jeans for school. They fit him perfectly! He’s slim and not very tall for 9 years old but their jeans are perfect! I’m mad I didn’t stock up when they were $10 but I didn’t know how well they would fit! Anyway. . .your kids are precious! Just adorable! I’ll probably send my daughter to pre-school next semester to prep her for kinder. . .they just grow up so fast! I’m off to follow you on twitter! šŸ˜‰
    Tracie recently posted…One Still At HomeMy Profile

    • Hi!!! Thanks for stopping by. šŸ™‚ They do grow up way too fast. My son is on his way out of the clothes I just bought him for back to school. He’s a tall one.

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