You know what I hear a lot? I hear people talking a lot about “your purpose.” On the other side of that, I hear people screaming “what is my purpose?” It’s a tricky thing. Once you find it, it’s this a-ha moment where things start to make sense. The thing is while encouraging others to get there, you can’t make it seem easy. It’s not always easy. Sometimes it’s really hard. Some times it takes a long time. It’s a journey. That was my experience anyway.

I stopped thinking I had to have it all figured out. Instead, I tried a bunch of things and just really tried to pay attention along the way. I started to look for common threads that kept showing up in my life. That whole encourager thing, is in my blood, y’all. It’s where my heart opens up.

We riseThis weekend, I had dinner with a friend. I was talking to her about my ideas for this site and beyond. I talked to her about what led me here. As I talked, my eyes got a little glassy. So did hers. She could feel my passion for motivating and encouraging others to really live out what’s in our hearts. It’s those kinds of moments that help me move forward.

Back to the purpose thing. How do you even begin to figure that out? I’ve been asked this on more than one occasion.

I’d say think about all those things you want to do. Try them. See how it feels on you. I’ve learned that our purpose serves other people in some capacity. Think about who’s being served by what you do or want to do.

dream too smallFiguring things out will also require that you think less about what other people think. This is your journey, not theirs. Everybody isn’t interested in finding their purpose and may not support your journey. It’s fine. Just know who you can and can’t share with.

Don’t feel like your purpose or your dreams have to be celeb worthy! It doesn’t have to include living the champagne life. Honestly, everyone doesn’t need or want that. And that’s OK.

Know that sometimes it’s right under your nose. While you’re trying to figure things out, think about what people always come to you for. Is there a theme? Your purpose is one more thing that makes you unique.

Tell me, what does finding your purpose look like to you?


80 Comments on The Thing About Purpose…

  1. It is seriously hard not to think about what others think, but you’re spot on. It’s something we all need to do.

  2. I think my purpose is like a blooming rose. I think my purpose is changing as I am faithful in my purpose today then more petals open and it reveals yet another purpose. Does that make sense?
    Cheyenne recently posted…Chicken SaltimboccaMy Profile

  3. I found my purpose when I realized that helping others could be more than just something I enjoyed or a hobby—it could be my purpose! Just like you, I love to encourage others (especially women) to love themselves and be kind to their bodies. I love that you are so passionate about helping find and pursue their dreams! And you are so right about not caring what others think of your purspose—there is a reason it’s YOURS.

    I will definitely follow you on facebook. Stop by and say check mine out as well—I am always in the market to promote women that promote sisterhood!

    Charlotte’s Little Web recently posted…The Weight of HappinessMy Profile

  4. I didn’t have a purpose until I had kids. Now I know my purpose and I’m trying as best I can to live up to everything they deserve! Great post!

  5. Finding my purpose has been a long process. I know what I am good at and what I love and by combining those I think I have my purpose.

  6. I think my purpose changes as I go through different stages of life. It’s an ever-evolving thing.

  7. This is great! I’ve known for a long time what I’ve wanted to do with my life, but I think it’s only been recently that I’ve really discovered my “purpose”…

    My purpose is to help women develop the tools and the confidence they need to chase their dreams, so we can make this world a better place. I know there are women out there with fantastic ideas as to how we can improve the lives of people in our community, or change federal policy to protect our environment, and so on. And I believe that if I can help these women take better care of themselves and their health they’ll be able to put these dreams into action!
    Ariana recently posted…How to Create a Workout ScheduleMy Profile

  8. Haven’t pinpointed what my purpose is exactly… I’m just happy to be contented with what I have and to work for what I don’t have…

  9. I found my purpose after I quit working full time and began staying home with my kids. Now I get to spend more time with them, and have some time to do what I love.

  10. Hi Camesha,

    Finding your purpose is so important. I did not give it much thought until I had kids, then that was my purpose, my why, and now that they have grown up I am at the stage again trying to figure out what my purpose and my why is now as I get older 🙂 My passion is blogging and sharing value daily and hoping that what I share, helps someone in some way 🙂 I am driven now by that to be the best that I can be at providing some kind of value to others 🙂

    Thanks for sharing such an awesome post! Definately a very important topic to ponder………
    Joan Harrington recently posted…Do You Really Know What It Takes To Succeed?My Profile

  11. Excellent post! I did an entire series last year, part of which including “pursuing purpose” in our lives. The series included such main topics as deciding to live differently, letting go and letting God, ditching negative thinking, remembering our history is not our destiny, initiating solutions, and looking forward rather than backward.

    Thanks for sharing!
    K. Lee Banks recently posted…New Opportunities – March 24 DevotionsMy Profile

  12. For me finding my purpose means waking up in the morning and feeling like I have a reason for being. My life has been a series of terrible events that no one should have to endure and its caused many years of manic depression and ptsd. I took all this time to finish my ba and go on to my mba and since then I have just sort of wondered what am I doing here? Its tough. But thats the battle I face.
    Chrystal @ YUM eating recently posted…Vegetarian Cowboy Burger and Sriracha Blue Ranch Sweet Potato Fries #SpringIntoFlavor #AdMy Profile

  13. The last few years i have noticed i am thinking more about myself and what makes me happy. My kids are in College now and i have more time for myself. So many years i spent always thinking of what everyone else would think.

  14. I love love love this post! <3 Finding purpose can be hard, but I think if we take a look at the things that we most love to do and what brings us the most joy in life, and find a way to translate that into a career, we'll get there. :]

    I was talking to a friend once about going into family medicine, and she said she hoped I'd never lose that passion, because she could see the way my eyes lit up when I talked about working with the patients at the free clinic I volunteered at. :] Fingers crossed that we'll get to where we want to go!
    Farrah recently posted…Reflections on Pediatrics IMy Profile

  15. Great post here! Finding our purpose is truly not an easy task. I found myself going round in circles earlier on in my life but good thing is that now, I know I am where I should be and doing the things that is truly one of my purpose.

  16. I agree that your purpose relates to serving others and that it’s part of what makes you unique. I also agree that discovering it and living it can be a journey.

    One of the things I help people do is discover or clarify their life purpose and I’ve discovered that there are some important things to keep in mind. I think we need to be aware of the different ways that the word “purpose” can be used. For example, we can have a sense of purpose in things that we do, but that’s different than our life purpose. Also, our life purpose doesn’t change. How we express it can change. But the purpose itself doesn’t change. As well, our life purpose isn’t the same thing as our passions or our strengths/skills. Those things can be connected but they can be very different things and it’s important to know this so that you don’t mistakenly think that you’re living your purpose just because you’re expressing a passion or using a strength.
    Leanne Chesser recently posted…Why is There a Limited Number of Life Purposes?My Profile

  17. Purpose. I could talk about this subject all day, everyday. And I could totally relate to my eyes getting watery when talking about how we bring our purpose to our business and how we could help others do the same. I find that it could also evolve and change as we grow, which is a beautiful thing. Great post!
    Desiree East recently posted…3 Simple Ways to Spark Your CreativityMy Profile

  18. I love how you give others permission that their purpose need not be celeb worthy! My purpose is to help others connect with their inner worth through helping them get organized mentally (clarity), externally (in their space and papers) and emotionally (serenity). I approach organizing holistically and intuitively and love the transformational change it brings my clan!
    Jul’s Arthur recently posted…Stop Sweating The Small StuffMy Profile

  19. Purpose is such an important thing to have in life. I found my purpose when I became a mother, blogging gives me a sense of purpose too.

  20. It took me years to overcome caring about what people thought or said about me. But once I got over it, I was OVER it! The older I get the wiser I become. I’m content with where I am and the purpose I’m fulfilling, but I’ll never become satisfied because I’m always striving to be more of what God has called me to be.
    Alli recently posted…Slam Dunk Cheez-It CheeseballMy Profile

  21. Thanks so much for sharing. When I was working, I knew I had found my purpose as a nurse. When I had my kids, I knew I had added to my purpose with a family. Now that my grands are here, my purpose seems to be complete. I blog for fun, not really for a purpose unless you count reviews as a purpose but it too has found a purpose in my life. Thank you again.
    Terri Ramsey Beavers recently posted…Recreate Frozen with a Themed Birthday PartyMy Profile

  22. In the past when I was striving to find my purpose I was so busy focusing on not knowing what it was instead of just relaxing and knowing it would appear. Relaxing and being confirmed that I would not miss recognizing my purpose helped a lot. I am a helper and I love to help people in any area of life. I have older people in my life that I help and be a friend to or a substitute family member when they need one.
    Grace Hodgin recently posted…Senior Citizen User-Friendly TechnologyMy Profile

  23. I guess I never really had purpose (or so I thought) until my kiddos were born and I met my husband. Before that it was taking care of others that couldn’t take care of themselves.

  24. I have always felt that one of my purposes in life is to help others, whether is material means or simply lending a listening, understanding ear. There is hardly any greater joy to helping those in need.
    HilLesha recently posted…ifchic: Shop, Play, LoveMy Profile

  25. My parents were always worried about what others will think of me when I was growing up but I told them that if I were to pay attention to them, I will never accomplished anything. And I was right not to listen to what others say or else I would not be who I am today!
    Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Ahoy Matey, Here Comes the PirateMy Profile

  26. Trying to find your purpose and passion in life can sometimes go hand in hand.. though sometimes it doesn’t. I know what my passions are, trying to figure out all of my purpose now.
    Kori recently posted…Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  27. I’m still looking for my purpose. Even though I have children, married etc.. I am sure there is more out there.

  28. Everything starts with oneself. It takes a while to find one’s purpose in life – I think I found mine just about 2 years ago & than entails me taking on my father’s role in the family. While I hesitated and complained a bit, it dawned on me that this is probably what’s being given on my plate and complaining won’t bring me or my family anywhere. I’ve come to embraced this one and every day, the purpose of me taking on his role, keeps me motivated and keeps me inspired to always do my best at work.
    R U S S recently posted…Carpe Diem: March 2015My Profile

  29. This is such an inspiring post indeed and a great question. I think finding my purpose is more than what I feel. I love to help other and together we help each other if that makes any sense. Thanks for sharing.

  30. So often I feel myself in this tug and pull of knowing theres more for me to do out there and figuring out how to achieve it! Thank you for this and good for you for following your passion!

  31. Ahhhhhhhhh purpose…. I think I’m still trying to figure this one out! I’m sure with time I will figure whatever greatness it is I’m suppose to do 😉

  32. It’ s hard to find. It’s harder to achieve once you find it. I guess that’s what makes attainment so nice.

  33. Im still working on finding out what my purpose really looks like. For a while, I thought I found it when i became a nurse. It’s something I’m good at and I love to nurture others. Then, when my son was born, I thought my purpose was there. Now, i know he is part of my purpose, but I know there is something more! Still working on finding out!

  34. You know, I just recently discovered one of my gifts, but I’m still doing the work on the whole purpose thing. It honestly drives me nuts sometimes because I feel like I’m spinning my wheels, but I’ll get there….
    Bijee recently posted…Creating The Ultimate PlayroomMy Profile

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