When I would hear people complain about the “questions” stage with their kids, I thought they were being a bit “Debbie Downer” about it all. I mean, so what you hear the word “why” a million times a day. It’s how our kids learn, right? Right??!?!?!

In the beginning of my son’s “questions” phase, I was all good. I was downright perky about it all. Here I am, his mom,(cue angelic harps in the background) being blessed with the opportunity to shape his young mind, to help him navigate this world and be his tour guide. What an honor. What a privilege!!!

Then, the “why’s” just went on longer and longer. I’d answer, “I don’t know” when I was stumped. His response? “Why you don’t know Mommy?” “Well, because Mommy doesn’t know everything”, I’d say. That seemed to work…for a while.

Then, he caught me the other day. I was very tired. The Mister was out of town overnight and I was sick with some version of the flu. I was bringing my babies home from school and decided to stop to drop off some mail at the post office. My son had been going on and on and on with questions. I swear, he hadn’t stopped to take a breath from the moment he saw me.

Then, he kept asking me to open a toy he’d just got in his Halloween treat bag. Exhausted, I told him I couldn’t open it right now. “Why, Mommy?”, he’d say.  I said,  “I’m driving the car baby.” That worked a couple of times. Then, he asked again while I was stopped at the light. Again I said, “I can’t open it now.”  Again he responded,”Why, Mommy?” “I’m driving the car”, I repeated. His response, “Not yet, Mommy. You’re not driving yet.”

Touche, kid! Argh, he got me! I guess I’m not driving yet since I’m stuck at the light.

Yes, I still think,  here I am, his mom,(cue angelic harps in the background) being blessed with the opportunity to shape his young mind, to help him navigate this world and be his tour guide. What an honor. What a privilege!!!

I also think, sometimes Mom needs to be able to call in sick so she can’t be outsmarted by her nearly three year old.

Have you hit the questions phase yet? When does it end?

**Don’t forget to enter the Wal-Mart gift card giveaway. Great odds!!!


11 Comments on Am I Raising an Attorney?

  1. The question stage is killing me over here. I starts when he wakes up and doesn’t stop unless he’s sleep. I admit that I love it. Because he asks lots of interesting questions! And I love love love when he learns and remembers what I told him! But it is soooo exhausting. And I hate when I have to say I don’t know. But I always add: But I will find out for you and let you know. 🙂

  2. “questions” is Izzys favorite game, lol! She has a particular fondness for “what is this?” Played in the car, when I have no way of knowing what she’s pointing at!
    Christina recently posted…And Another OneMy Profile

  3. I want to laugh but I know it’s not a laughing matter…he sounds so cute. I can see him in the background!

  4. Girl, I don’t know when the questions phase ends. I know I am so looking forward to it. I often think my middle child would be an attorney because she finds the technical in any situation.
    This Cookn Mom recently posted…All Good Things…My Profile

  5. I’m excited about being able to communicate with my Little Lady. We’re working on trying to decode her own special language, though! LOL I’m sure the why’s will begin soon!

  6. I’m glad it seems that Jas’s WHY stage is getting less and less. I mean she still wants to know things but it turns into more of a conversation between us rather than me just answering her questions. I like that much better

  7. Ah the question phase. We are living it now and I’m wondering if it will ever end. This post made me laugh though, mine hasn’t gotten too smart with his answers yet.
    Barbara recently posted…High DiningMy Profile

  8. My son is 5 the why questions have increased and gotten more complicated in the thought process. I can’t offer you any hope. Hang in there! I’m trying. 😉

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